About Me

Hello there! My name is Natalie, I'm 27 and work with children in a day nursery. I like to be busy as you can tell. I also have a huge love for all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle related.

In January 2012, after continuously reading beauty and fashion blogs to catch up on the latest news within the beauty and fashion world. On a very lazy day off work I decided to start my own piece of the internet.. "simplyjustnatalie"

I decided to write about the things I love the most and to share my passion, like all the other blogs I read. When I write about things I'm passionate about I find the words just seem to type themselves and I think you can really tell that when reading someone elses blog. I have a huge love for nail varnishes and painting my nails so to begin that's mainly what my posts were about. 

Before long I had a small amount of followers and my blog posts started becoming more diverse, including fashion and general lifestyle. I never thought I would be so enthusiastic about my very, very own small part of the internet.

Lastly, I just want to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and leave comments on my posts. I hope I continue to interest you with my passions in life and somehow maybe even help you in anyway possible.


  1. Hi, I absolutely LOVE your blog. Love your content as the things you post about really interest me and I love your style of writing, could read your blog all day.

    Just wanted to ask a quick question, who designed your blog layout? Did you do it yourself or get somebody else to do it for you? :) Thanks!

    1. Aww thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog, means so much to me! I'd love to say I designed my blog myself but unfortunately I didn't, another blogger I had been speaking to on Twitter helped me design it! Her blog button is under mine at the top left side of the page :-) xo

  2. Happy Blog Birthday Natalie! Your blog is amazing!


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